Video Podcasting within a Podcast App or YouTube … Which Is Better?

PodRoom Inc.
3 min readFeb 11, 2021

Video Podcasting within a Podcast App or YouTube … Which Is Better?

The future of podcasting lies in video.

For an industry that’s taken off on the premise of people listening to their favorite podcasters, one wouldn’t normally consider bringing video into the mix.

Now many podcasters are using YouTube for their video podcasting efforts.

But when you’re into building a community around your podcast that may not give the kind of engagement and community building you’re going after. And for most, the video aspect is just an adjunct to delivering their actual podcast downloads.

There is, however, a better way to enter video podcasting.

But before we get into how you can do that without needing to manage all sorts of set-ups for YouTube (yes, you can do video podcasting without YouTube), let’s look at why video podcasting makes sense.

Benefits of video podcasting

In the top 12 countries with a podcast audience, between 21% and 53% of the population with internet access listened to a podcast within the past month. It continues to be one of the fastest-growing content media forms today.

YouTube, the biggest online video platform in the world, has 2bn persons logging in on a monthly basis.

So, naturally, the idea of video podcasting is to tap into the impact of video while staying true to the values of delivering a quality podcast.

People tend to respond more when they can see who they’re communicating with. A video podcast helps you achieve that personal connection.

The benefits of vidcasting also include building trust with your audience, capturing your target audience’s attention, and increased engagement. Plus, you can repurpose the video or snippets of the video for social media and give yourself the opportunity to reach a new audience.

So, should you make a video podcast?

Given all we’ve noted about the benefits of video podcasts, it would be foolish not to add this to what you’re currently offering your audience. With video dominating social and the levels of engagement you could receive, you should naturally be considering how you’ll transition to doing video podcasts.

For most persons, they consider a video podcast a YouTube video recording while they’re making a podcast audio. And this works for some. Because with YouTube, you have the potential of expanding your audience.

However, there are issues with this platform that do not support the podcasting genre. For example, many of us will want to monetize our YouTube platform but too many ads are distracting. Plus, with algorithm showing unrelated videos to your viewers, they’ll soon get distracted and move away from your content.

In addition, the average attention span on YouTube is 3 minutes. Competing with that, ads, and suggested videos is not the ideal way to cultivate an engaged audience.

Further, even though it seems simple enough to produce a video podcast via YouTube, high-quality video production is time-consuming and can become quite expensive. So, if you’re starting out, a great option is a podcast app with built-in video podcasting features.

How to get started with your video podcast

You can always go the route of recording your podcast and then separate upload to both the PodRoom web hosting service and YouTube. With both, you’ll be tackling different audiences and expanding your reach.

And like we noted, this is a great way to reach a new audience that prefers video. PodRoom has in-app support for video podcasting. As a community-based podcast platform, we understand the value of video for engagement.

So, with PodRoom, where you already have an audience, you can give them even greater value by adding video podcasting for your subscribers right there in the app. That’s a podcast community-building feature right there.

With PodRoom, our podcasters can upload their video podcasts on our web hosting platform for their audience to stream …. within the app.

For those who may prefer to watch your video podcast and engage with their fellow audience online in real-time, then this is a no-brainer.

Check out the video podcast function in PodRoom and get ready to start giving your audience added value.

